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According to HubSpot, a call-to-action (CTA) is an image or line of text that prompts your visitors, leads, and customers to take action. It is a “call” to take an “action.” An example of a CTA is “click here”.

A call to action is important for a multitude of reasons. It is sometimes seen as the most important part of any marketing campaign. Not using CTA’s or skipping them would be a grave mistake that wouldn’t do well for any company and we’ll tell you why.

Some examples of CTAs are:

  1. Sign-Up
  2. Register
  3. Subscribe
  4. Try Now
  5. Buy
  6. Share
  7. Follow
  8. Download
  9. Click here for
  10. Get started

A strong CTA can be the determining factor between a lead and a conversion.

CTAs push people further down the sales funnel. Without CTAs, customers can feel lost on what to do next when it comes to purchasing a product or service or even signing up for a newsletter. They tell the customer what to do next, pushing them to take immediate action. Whether you want them to give you contact information, download a lead magnet, or subscribe to an email list, you have to encourage this action with a strong CTA. A great CTA practice is to write CTA’s in a way that highlights the benefits. For example, use “Get More Tips” instead of “Subscribe!”

Where do you put your CTA’s? On each of your website pages, on your blog, social media, marketing posters in your practice, advice paper for the client…..everywhere! 

Basically, don’t ignore the importance of CTAs!


Led by Marketing expert, Muireann Fitzmaurice, is a social media agency that create branded social media content for professional practice owners. It is a subscription service that provides physiotherapy-based content to the practice owner on a monthly basis that can  be used on all social media channels. Saving you time and headspace each month to concentrate on other areas of the business.